America has one of the highest Prisoner rates in the world. This seems to be a indicator of criminals not feeling threatend if caught. Prisoins may even make into even better criminals. Also it provites money for gangs because they can smuggle in drugs and then sell it. I belive that to keep this syestem we would need to have harsher methods like reading crinimals mail to check for illegial communcaten and drugs. Other methods would have to be inacted to. Another reason is to change the sysetem complety. I would suggest only hardcore crinimals going to jail. The other ones would could be publictly humilated like wearing a sign saying what they did. or being but in stocks and having tomatoes thrown at them. Pride is a powefull tool. For people how are inbetween Harcore criminals and first timers they could have corproal punishment like being hit by a cane. Singapore does this and has low theft rate because of it. This may be cruel but they should lern a lesson from abushing their freedom.