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Will America always be a superpower?
Published on April 29, 2008 By
Everything Else
As China continues to rise without any signs of stoping, it seems more and more likly that America is going to be second place. Will America fall into second, or will china succues stop and America will be number one until the next up and coming country wants to take first. What do you think?
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on May 01, 2008
1. The Soviet Union didn't crumble because people of the world stopped supporting them. The Soviet Union imploded on itself due to a number of factors, namely corrupt governments and a very poor standard of living for the people. Much of the world did stand behind the Soviet Union's ideology, and still do today. However, due to the financial structure of the United States, huge corporate owners now basically run policy all over many parts of the world.
2. Industrialization and the introduction of the assembly line made products widely available to people in wealthy nations all over the world. Since the United States (Ford, namely) began using the assembly line, products began to disperse everywhere. Additionally, because of Ford's idea to pay higher wages, people were able to afford these goods. Therefore the wide distribution of goods to a large number of people started primarily in the United States. Coupled with abundant natural resources, this allowed for enormous growth. The United States obviously still benefits from this, though other nations are catching up. People don't have much choice to buy products built elsewhere, or manufactured by non-American owned corporate entities. I realize there is a wide availability of foreign goods, but American-owned corporations still control a vast amount of goods sold worldwide. People simply don't care enough to bother buying other goods - they will buy what is the best quality for the best price (to the best of their knowledge).
3. Your family history tells little about who YOU are, and I am basing my judgements on what you are
, not on your family history. Many people have a rich family history, and EVERYONE (other than Native Americans) were immigrants at some time. I don't really know what your Irish history has to do with this discussion. If you're family has been in North America since 1685, then I believe I can safely say you are an American. My families fought in the Russian civil war, and my other ancestors spent hundreds of years fighting the English - but, all that is irrelevant.
4. As for America being the centre of the universe - this is a method called 'hyperbole.' You see, a fair number of Americans I speak to or encounter have this sense of entitlement that I spoke of. They also seem to think that they are the only nation that matters. Now, of course, not all Americans are like that, and I have also encountered many who I grew to respect. Since you are American, perhaps you don't realize the extent to which people think this about Americans they encounter. Once again, not all Americans, but enough that the tag has stuck.
5. If you wish to know my credentials, I have travelled significantly, and actually served as an ambassador to the Conference of Commonwealth Education Ministers held in 2003
. The conference addressed problems in education in Commonwealth nations worldwide. There were 2 ambassadors from every Commonwealth nation (most Commonwealth nations are located in Africa). Additionally, I have been studying issues such as poverty, racism, economic oppression, gender inequality, problems with technology and scientific development, and globalization for the past 3 1/2 years at the University of Alberta. I have dedicated my life thus far to social issues worldwide.
6. My significant other is Metis. I was good friends with an African man who claimed amnesty in the UK. I have been schooled with a wide variety of people from extremely diverse backgrounds. In my opinion, this is irrelevant.
7. I will respond with this. Claiming that the world 'bestows' power upon the United States implies that it is deserved (I'm not debating whether the United States 'deserves' to be powerful, simply that this power isn't a result of people all over the world deciding that the United States should be powerful). Of course, the United States is supported worldwide, and for a number of good reasons. However, there are so many factors that lead to American dominance, that believing that the world 'bestows' power on the United States simply isn't true. The US took this power, and currently
it. Hopefully, the good ideals that the US stands for will take hold in nations worldwide (along with other Western nations). However, the United States is also responsible for horrible suffering in many parts of the world. Don't be fooled, there is a reason that many people worldwide dislike the US. Due to the economic and military dominance of the US, people simply don't have many choices.
on May 01, 2008
There was supposed to be a link in there.
on May 01, 2008
America's space technology is very very advanced. They dont even release half the stuff they have. Colorado springs has a very large number of goverment agents working on the sattelites and weapons we have in space. If you ever watch the news you will see how China and Russia want us to discontinue our space program. Pretty soon if not yet we will have an anti-nuke missle defence system and missle nnukes will be a thing of the past.
on May 01, 2008
I wonder.... Do they have Weed?
on May 02, 2008
They dont even release half the stuff they have.
Then I guess I must ask how you know about it?
Pretty soon if not yet we will have an anti-nuke missle defence system and missle nnukes will be a thing of the past.
The United States is the only nation to use nuclear weapons in wartime. Most nations won't seriously consider this as an option any more, and with good reason. I don't think the US needs to fear nuclear missiles. However, a space missile defence system doesn't stop all the other nukes that aren't attached to ballistic missiles. Once again, I don't think this thread is about 'who can conquer the United States' but rather a question about whether the United States will remain dominant. I think that in our current path, Western society needs some serious revisions in order to survive. We cannot continue living the consumerist, materialistic lives that we lead.
on May 02, 2008
The Soviet Union didn't crumble because people of the world stopped supporting them. The Soviet Union imploded on itself due to a number of factors, namely corrupt governments and a very poor standard of living for the people. Much of the world did stand behind the Soviet Union's ideology, and still do today. However, due to the financial structure of the United States, huge corporate owners now basically run policy all over many parts of the world.[/quote]
Your points about the Soviet Union still relate to a support of the people, rampant corruption is a sign that the people do not support (respect) the existing structure. Which to me concerning communism is very understandable, I personally equate soviet Communism with slavery. It is slavery with a nice sounding label wrapped around it.
Industrialization and the introduction of the assembly line made products widely available to people in wealthy nations all over the world. Since the United States (Ford, namely) began using the assembly line, products began to disperse everywhere. Additionally, because of Ford's idea to pay higher wages, people were able to afford these goods. Therefore the wide distribution of goods to a large number of people started primarily in the United States. Coupled with abundant natural resources, this allowed for enormous growth. The United States obviously still benefits from this, though other nations are catching up. [/quote]
The rest of the world had a major setback that prevented them from maintaining par with the United States (WWII & Communist Ideology)
People don't have much choice to buy products built elsewhere, or manufactured by non-American owned corporate entities. I realize there is a wide availability of foreign goods, but American-owned corporations still control a vast amount of goods sold worldwide. .[/quote]
I beg to differ with you on the title of “American-owned” but do not have the information to contradict this so I will concede this point as I do know it is at least in part correct.
People simply don't care enough to bother buying other goods - they will buy what is the best quality for the best price (to the best of their knowledge)
People do not care, you are correct, that is why there are so many goods sold in America that are made by slave labor. The goods are often labeled correctly with the information easily seen and yet still, they buy the goods, I am referring to my prior statement that communism is the equivalent of slavery, so anything made in a communist country is therefore, by definition, made by slave labor.
Your family history tells little about who YOU are, and I am basing my judgments on what you are saying, not on your family history.
But you were making your judgment based on my family history
“A post like this is a perfect example of the ethnocentrism that I spoke of earlier”
Belief in the superiority of one's own ethnic group.
Overriding concern with race.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2006 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
My “Ethnic group” is my family history
As for America being the centre of the universe - this is a method called 'hyperbole.' You see, a fair number of Americans I speak to or encounter have this sense of entitlement that I spoke of. They also seem to think that they are the only nation that matters. Now, of course, not all Americans are like that, and I have also encountered many who I grew to respect. Since you are American, perhaps you don't realize the extent to which people think this about Americans they encounter. Once again, not all Americans, but enough that the tag has stuck.
This is known as the ugly American syndrome, well aware of it. Your associations have been with people outside of America; within this country most people do not have any sense of entitlement concerning our continued position beyond the extent that we were the ones that provided the tools, supplies, cash & organizational wherewithal to rebuild most of the world after WWII. The payback for that was to the Generation of Americans that provided that aid. That debt has been paid in full by most countries (not the monetary aspect but any entitlement to a disproportional yielding of political power)
If you wish to know my credentials, I have travelled significantly, and actually served as an ambassador to the Conference of Commonwealth Education Ministers held in 2003. The conference addressed problems in education in Commonwealth nations worldwide. There were 2 ambassadors from every Commonwealth nation (most Commonwealth nations are located in Africa). Additionally, I have been studying issues such as poverty, racism, economic oppression, and gender inequality, problems with technology and scientific development, and globalization for the past 3 1/2 years at the University of Alberta. I have dedicated my life thus far to social issues worldwide.
I am grateful that people such as yourself are out there doing what you do
My significant other is Metis. I was good friends with an African man who claimed amnesty in the UK. I have been schooled with a wide variety of people from extremely diverse backgrounds. In my opinion, this is irrelevant.
I refer back to your statement concerning ethnocentrism. My comments concerning your credentials were directed toward your statement concerning ethnocentrism.
I will respond with this. Claiming that the world 'bestows' power upon the United States implies that it is deserved .
–verb (used with object)
1. To merit, be qualified for, or have a claim to (reward, assistance, punishment, etc.) because of actions, qualities, or situation:
–verb (used without object)
2. to be worthy of, qualified for, or have a claim to reward, punishment, recompense, etc.:
considering what we as a country sacrificed (after WWII) I would say that the generation of Americans did in fact deserve to have it “bestowed” upon them
Please do note I say “after WWII” not during, I would never in any way demean the sacrifices of so many who fought during the war.
quote] (I'm not debating whether the United States 'deserves' to be powerful, simply that this power isn't a result of people all over the world deciding that the United States should be powerful).
I disagree with you on this point; it is a result of people deciding we deserve it, for as soon as the world decides otherwise America will be in a permanent decline.
Of course, the United States is supported worldwide, and for a number of good reasons. However, there are so many factors that lead to American dominance, that believing that the world 'bestows' power on the United States simply isn't true. The US took this power, and currently holds it.
We did not so much “take it” as we were the only ones still standing and it was entrusted to us.
Hopefully, the good ideals that the US stands for will take hold in nations worldwide (along with other Western nations).
Oh how I hope, and we could were it not for the International corporations with American names sullying those ideas.
However, the United States is also responsible for horrible suffering in many parts of the world.
I could name several that would make Hitler look reasonable (The Trail of Tears comes to mind as well as the official government policy of handing out small pox infected ((that is deliberately infected)) blankets to the native tribes under the Indian reservation act.
Don't be fooled, there is a reason that many people worldwide dislike the US. Due to the economic and military dominance of the US, people simply don't have many choices.
They would hate whoever was in power unless it was they themselves.
on May 02, 2008
The united states is still at this time #1 econmically, agriculturaly and militarily in the world.
United states based corporations hold more capitol then nearly every other nation combined.
There is enough grain and rice stored in reserve in the usa to feed the entire planet for over 5 years. Not to mention the unused millions of acres of virgin topsoil farmland that the govenment still pays farmers not to farm.
The military has been touched on a few times but simply put The united states navy controls the worlds seas and the united states airforce dominates the skies. The only reason thier is an iraqi resistance is because the army does not want to create undue civilian casualties. If the us wanted to they could reduce iraq to dust and rubble within weeks using only conventional forces.
that being said thier are numerous factors that point to a potential decline in Americas economic dominance mainly in the form of technical experts not being produced or induced to come to america in the vast numbers they once did.
Also america is no longer a manufacturing economy and is now a service economy. once you lose the potential for economic self sufficiancy you really are at the mercy of symbiotic relationships created by poorly tarrifed foreign trade agreements (see china)
China really has been playing the control the world game better then the usa for the last few years but that is one of chinas greatest strengths they always take the long view.
on May 02, 2008
hey would hate whoever was in power unless it was they themselves.
I have to agree with this. Generally, power will be resisted, unless it is totally benevolent. Like you stated:
I could name several that would make Hitler look reasonable (The Trail of Tears comes to mind as well as the official government policy of handing out small pox infected ((that is deliberately infected)) blankets to the native tribes under the Indian reservation act.
This simply reflects that any nation can commit atrocities, despite the ideals it is built upon.
We did not so much “take it” as we were the only ones still standing and it was entrusted to us.
This is partially true. The United States served an (if not the) instrumental role in rebuilding much of the world after WWII. However, like I stated earlier, these debts now cause the policies of many nations to adhere to standards put forth by institutions such as the IMF and World Bank to attract investment and build 'economic growth.' Unfortunately, this growth rarely benefits the people of such nations.
I disagree with you on this point; it is a result of people deciding we deserve it, for as soon as the world decides otherwise America will be in a permanent decline.
A gradual decline is all that could happen, but as it stands, powerful people within the United States would ensure their ability to remain economically dominant. It would be a long, slow, hard battle, and the US military is willing to fight for this dominance. We've all heard that the Iraqi war is really about oil, and really, that is a major factor in the invasion. Refer to the economic 'changes' made in Iraq after the invasion:
1. Suspending all tariffs, customs duties, import taxes, or licensing fees on goods and services entering or leaving Iraq.
2. Granting full immunity from Iraqi law to all security firms brought to work in Iraq.
3. Privatizing some 200 state-owned enterprises, permitting 100 percent foreign-ownership of Iraqi businesses.
4. Allowing investors to take 100 percent of the profits they made in Iraq out of the country with no requirement that the profits be reinvested.
5. Prohibiting any requirement that foreign companies hire local workers, recognize unions, or reinvest any profits back into the country.
6. Allowing foreign banks to open in Iraq and take a 50 percent interest in Iraqi banks.
7. Lowering the corporate tax rate from 40 percent to a flat 15 percent.
(Robbins 2008, 132).
This information is quoted from Richard H. Robbins' text,
Global Problems and the Culture of Capitalism
published by Pearson Education in 2008.
These changes are a blatant sign of the intentions behind the Iraqi war.
People do not care, you are correct, that is why there are so many goods sold in America that are made by slave labor. The goods are often labeled correctly with the information easily seen and yet still, they buy the goods, I am referring to my prior statement that communism is the equivalent of slavery, so anything made in a communist country is therefore, by definition, made by slave labor.
Communist nations (other than China, which is a different sort of Communism than the Soviet Union was) do not really have the same materialistic focus that capitalist nations do. There are much fewer 'products' offered, and most exported materials are raw materials, etc.
I beg to differ with you on the title of “American-owned” but do not have the information to contradict this so I will concede this point as I do know it is at least in part correct.
This is a tricky one. Many things that are manufactured do not appear to be 'American made' but really the profits end up in American pockets. What I mean is this: "The economic resources available to corporations rival those available to most countries. Thus, of the top one hundred financial entities in the world, over half are corporations..." (Robbins 2008, 133). The number one spot on this list belongs to the United States, second to Japan, etc. General Motors is the first corporation on the list, at number 25. It has more revenue available than Hong Kong, Poland, Norway, Saudi Arabia, etc. Wal-Mart is number 27, and as well has greater revenue than Iran, Finland, Greece, etc. There are a large number of corporations on this list (like the quote said), and the vast majority are American-owned. IBM is a measly number 55, and it has greater revenue than Egypt, New Zealand and Ireland.
With such an incredible amount of wealth comes incredible power, greater than that of any army. This dominance will not be easily overthrown, because people simply aren't aware of the incredible power that these institutions have.
When I speak of Ethnocentrisim, I am referring to your cultural identity - IE: American, Western, whichever. Your original post seemed to have an air of this, though perhaps I misinterpreted what you meant by 'bestowed.' However, I think that the issues that we are talking about are FAR more complex than many people believe. I am simply fortunate enough to have studied these exact issues for a number of years.
within this country most people do not have any sense of entitlement
I think you are right, that most people don't really have a sense of entitlement, or at least would like to think they don't. However, the capitalist mode of though (the strongest, smartest, and hardest working succeed) runs rampant, and it is only partially true. What I am referring to is the general ignorance that so many Americans tend to have about the rest of the world. Like I have said many times, this does not apply to ALL Americans. However, there is certainly a significant percentage that truly believe (even if not consciously so) that America is the most important nation in the world and that civilization would collapse without it. Anyone who does a little research into the history of mankind will recognize that this isn't true. Of course, our world as we know it would certainly not function like it does if the US were to drop off the face of the earth, but civilization would survive. There would be both great people to replace the great people of America, and terrible people to commit the same atrocities committed by Americans, though under a different name.
I refer back to your statement concerning ethnocentrism. My comments concerning your credentials were directed toward your statement concerning ethnocentrism.
To clarify - I don't believe it's about who you know, or have encountered, but what you have learned from them.
I am grateful that people such as yourself are out there doing what you do
Thank you - I am glad to end this on a positive note.
I believe that perhaps I misinterpreted your tone in your original post, but I certainly am aprehensive when reading an American's response about the future of America and it's position in the world. Too many conversations with haughty Americans have left a bad taste in my mouth, but like I said, these issues (and the factors infuencing the future of America) are extremely complex, and impossible to truly predict. I think the only thing we can rely on is what we have learned from the past, and that is that those with the money hold the power - and often for a long time. As long as corporations are predominantly American owned, and they continue to hold the immense power that they do, we will not see America decline as a world power too soon - though it may look different in the future. Hopefully more corporations can take a socially responsible role.
on May 02, 2008
Rome conquered by shield and sword, peoples were subjugated and lands taken.
Spain grew great with musket and pike, foreign resources filled their coffers.
Britain dominated by cannon and sail, their ships sailed the seas uncontested.
and all that is dust and memory.
Today the United States stands above all.
Power like never seen before was not won but given? Elected? Delegated? Is the united states powerful simply because they, the anointed of nations was deemed most worthy of dominion? Or is it taken with the combined might of CVBGs, embargoes, Alliances and economic mastery in which the world grants the USA foreign military bases, exclusive oil and mining contracts, and control of the worlds shipping lanes?
Real power comes from the barrel of a gun, anything otherwise is but an illusion of power, and you know that the United States of America is the very definition of
But this too shall come to pass.
on May 02, 2008
This is 100% not true. Simply look to the excellent health care in nations like Canada, Cuba, Sweden, the UK, etc.. etc..
Is this the same UK where they had to pass a law stating that you could not wait more than 4 hours in an emergency room to be cared for, so hospitals were holding patience in the ambulance so the 4 hr countdown would not begin right away?That is good health care my friend.
on May 02, 2008
The only reason thier is an iraqi resistance is because the army does not want to create undue civilian casualties.
If you wish to see how Bush's war machine wants to limit Iraqi casualties, perhaps watch this short video:
If this link doesn't work, simply search for "Iraq - Caught in the Crossfire" in Google Video.
on May 02, 2008
Is this the same UK where they had to pass a law stating that you could not wait more than 4 hours in an emergency room to be cared for, so hospitals were holding patience in the ambulance so the 4 hr countdown would not begin right away?That is good health care my friend.
This is an
, not a common occurance. At least they are getting the care they need, and not going bankrupt for it.
on May 02, 2008
personally I don't see the point of taking over any state to be anywhere close to a better world. The economy doesn't function by itself, each states take its role and that is how global economies have taken place. Despite with current news about US economy recess, the consuming power for Amercians as I know are still the highest and will not be surpass in anytime. Until other strong potentials able to replace US's role in consumers and market exchange, I don't think we will see a superpower in anytime soon.
concerning about the technological advancement, it can be easily replace with resource distribution, greater funding provide results. with US still upholding the greater portion (quite large portion in deed!) of resources in the world market, in my understanding at least in economy scenes, US still in control.
on May 02, 2008
Will America always be a superpower?
Simple answer - no.
No one stays on top forever.
Just look through history.
on May 02, 2008
LOL id like to see the EU try and take out the US militarily we kick ass. We spend 4% of our GDP on national defense while the EU spends 1.5% umm i wonder who will win?????Best troops anywhere is in America. why should i pay for somebody else to have health care. people should plan ahead, and if they dont they die weed out the sick.Are you being serious?Your caliber of ignorance baffles me.Our military DOES NOT kick ass, it stopped kicking ass as soon as other nations got nuclear weapons; with those, it really does not matter how many tanks you make in a month. You wonder who will win? Whoever pushes the button first. Plan ahead you say? Well I would love to see your schedule, let's see on which days of the year you plan on getting the flu. Or perhaps cancer? Can you plan ahead for that? Weed out the sick? God forbid you or a loved one of yours would contract a terrible terminal illness and you find yourself in a situation where, unless you come up with hundreds of thousands of dollars, you won't be treated. I'm sure in that situation you'll be taking all that you said. Heck, Perhaps you would even agree and say that the US should stop spending so much money on "the gun show" and more money on caring for its people because, after all, that is part of the government's job isn't it? What is the point of spending all the money in being able to fully defend your borders when everyone inside is dying? America and the rest of the world need to understand that "business as usual" is dead. Either humanity enlightens itself and unites as ONE; in true care for one another and the pursuit of things that matter (IE: Space exploration, scientific advancements) or humanity wipes itself out. Did you know? We are approaching that cross-roads very fast.
lol your a moron, we have the technology to shoot down nukes, good job but you fail.
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